Learning the Transcendental Meditation Technique®
Optional, available follow-up support after learning
The technique is always taught one-on-one. It must be individually taught as the experience varies from individual to individual. It cannot, therefore, be learnt from a book or DVD. No matter the country – the local TM Centre will provide a follow up service as a standard is maintained across the global organisation.
Introduction to the principles of Maharishi Ayurveda
We offer a 4 hour introductory talk on the principles of Maharishi Ayurveda. What you will learn:
Discover your body type
Understand how body type predisposes one to certain traits and behaviours
Understand diet and digestion according to body type
Basic does and don’ts to maintain optimal health according to this ancient science of life
Have a question or want clarification once practicing the technique?
Looking to deepen your experience?
- Attend a centre deepening day where you will learn some simple yoga postures and breathing exercises to settle more satisfyingly into the meditation.
- Have your questions answered.
- Participate in discussion and gain more insight into the mechanics of the technique.
- Bring your meditation in for a “check-up” session.
The Advanced Techniques of Transcendental Meditation™
The TM Technique is whole and complete within itself. Many people use it for years experiencing incremental benefits. People sometimes feel they would like to enrich their experience and benefits and there are several advanced techniques that can be taken incrementally over time to accomplish this.
Upcoming Consciousness Advisor consultation services:
A recently introduced service whereby suggestions for remedial or supplementary treatments can be recommended based on an extensive lifestyle questionnaire filled out online and referred to your local highly qualified consciousness consultant.
One or more of the following will be recommended:
Transcendental Meditation™
For stress reduction and increased mental clarity. Transcending leads to a distinct experience, pure consciousness, that transforms the inner nature of the mind, and so provides a new platform for living life.
Maharishi Ayurveda Panchakarma
For gentle yet thorough body detoxification.
Maharishi Light Therapy with Gems
A profound, enjoyable programme that nourishes, balances, and energises, the subtle physiology.
Maharishi Aromatherapy
Restore balance to your mind, body, and spirit with essential oils, according to your body type.
Maharishi Yoga Asanas
Practice Yoga postures (Asana) and breathing exercises (Pranayama) that promote integration of mind and body, supporting health by bringing life into harmony with Natural Law.
Vedic Sound Therapy
Holistic Wellbeing through the Vibrations of Consciousness. Every part of the physiology is the expression of the vibrations of consciousness, as available in the sounds of the ancient Vedic Literature brought to light by His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
MORE: Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health — (vedicsound.org)