What can TM do for me?
It can make your life much more enjoyable and balanced. Many people say this easy-to-practice technique has a transforming effect — they report major benefits in reducing stress and anxiety, mood disorders, insomnia, and hypertension.
Chronic stress is harmful to health, happiness, creativity, and productivity. Over 350 published research studies on the TM technique have documented it’s effectiveness for stress and stress-related conditions, brain function, and more.
Transcendental Meditation Reduces Stress Naturally
Stress is the biggest contributor to mental lack of peace, physical wear and tear/compromised health and social ills. It really curtails enjoyment in life and builds up over the course of one’s lifetime.
The physiology inherently ‘knows’ how to heal itself and eliminate ‘toxic’ by- products of stressful living. However the body needs ‘time-out’ to settle down and naturally ‘refresh’ itself. Because of the habit of incessant busy-ness in life, the physiology needs a ‘smart’ and reliable technique that can predictably and consistently facilitate a condition of such deep rest that will ensure a natural and profound flushing of all stress chemistry from the body. This is the uniqueness of the TM technique.
Proven effective for stress and anxiety
Stanford University study
The TM® technique was found to be twice as effective as other techniques for stress and anxiety.
The study was a meta-analysis of 146 independent studies, and was published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology.
Gary Kaplan, M.D.
NYU Medical School
“No other ‘stress management technique’ has anywhere close to this amount of hard data in support of its claims to reduce stress.”—Norman Rosenthal, M.D., Psychiatrist, Georgetown University Medical School
Research on stress
Read information from doctors and scientific researchers on how Transcendental Meditation increases mental well-being, health, and longevity, while reducing health damaging behaviour.
Transcendental Meditation, stress and the brain
Transcendental Meditation, stress and the heart
Health: Heart Surgeon endorses TM for reducing stress and promoting heart health
How TM relieves stress
“People who come to me for relief from stress and stress-related disorders need an effective meditation that’s quickly mastered and produces consistent results.
“Though TM is a mental technique, due to the mind-body relationship the practice has extensive physiological effects. TM allows the mind to settle very deeply inward—in a natural way. TM teachers call this effortless transcending. It’s what sets TM apart and why the technique is so beneficial for mind and body, right from the start.”